The Baptist Pillar ©      Brandon Bible Baptist Church     1992-Present

"...The church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth."
I Timothy 3:15

This Is Alcohol

The police say: "Alcohol and gasoline cause accidents."
The murderer says: "I don't know what I did; I was drunk."
The judge says: "Alcohol makes for crime but doesn't excuse it."
The psychologist says: "Alcohol robs a man of reason."
The doctor says: "Alcohol weakens resistance and shortens life."
The moralist says: "Alcohol and morals never keep company."
The lady says: "The breath of alcohol is repulsive."
The mother says: "Alcohol robs the home of its security and its peace."
The children say: "When father is sober we run to meet him; when he is drunk we run from him."
The wife says: "Alcohol brings about divorce."
The undertaker says: "Alcohol speeds up my business."
The liquor dealer says: "Give youth a sample, and you have a customer for life."
The wet voter says: "I voted for this."
The dry-voting legislator says: "I'd rather oppose my constituency than my conscience."
The pastor says: "Alcohol has sent many a soul to hell."
The Bible says: "A drunkard shall not inherit the kingdom of heaven."

What do you say?